Monday, February 2, 2015

Training, Training, and More Training!

What an incredible week of growth! Shortly after landing in Denver, Colorado I was met at the baggage claim by two people from Greater Europe Mission. I was the first intern to arrive. Throughout the next few hours interns began arriving. We were each greeted with a bag of a few essentials for training: notebook, water, lotion (for the dry Denver weather) and of course gum and mints and such. By the late afternoon we began training. Notebooks and bibles spread before us, we dove in. It was a constant downpour of information, knowledge, and preparation for what is ahead.

Everything said was absolutely captivating. God was using those from GEM and their experience to prepare us interns. We spent 3 days learning about GEM, each other, and even ourselves. Thursday came far to quickly. The team of interns quickly bonded with each other, and though we were excited to leave for Europe, it was sad knowing we wouldn't be together anymore. Each of us were on our way to different locations of serving.

On the plane I sat with my new friend Kaci (not Kacy). I quickly realized we were outnumbered by those with British accents. Everyone who spoke seemed to make us more and more excited. None of it felt real, as if this was a dream and I would wake up back in California. Unfortunately, that was the closest to dreaming I would get on that plane. It was about an 8 hour plane ride. We left Denver just after 5pm and landed at 9:30am. After I was finished bouncing in my street, I kept myself busy watching movies and trying to sleep (which means listening to music).

When we landed we were picked up by a bus which drove us to the entrance of the airport. We were quickly on our way to talk with border patrol about our planes in the UK and then off to get our bags. Kaci and I went nearly strait to the bathroom to brush our teeth and freshen up. Gabe and Jesse (two interns who were also traveling with us) went to the coffee shop in the airport where we were meeting those picking us up. Soon enough they arrived and we were off to our hotel for the next few days of our journey. My first time on the tube was exhilarating! Everything looked SO European and the thought that this is my home for the next year was unimaginable. I spent the entire way looking out the window or studying the posted tube map. (I am trying very hard not prevent getting lost!) 

Another three days of training flew by. We learned a few English terms such as nippy, and cheers, we practiced holding our forks on the left flipped over, and one night we got a tour of a few of the big tourist hotspots such as Big Ben and the London Eye. Learning how to use money again was an odd experience. It's not something I have had to think about in so many years!

On Thursday, I met with a few people from Sublime. It was so nice meeting people in 3D and not through a video call! I had to leave the last of the GEM interns, but I was greeted by an intern who will be serving with me this year in Bromley. After some tea and scones, I was off to bed at my temporary host home.

Today, I met the other five interns who are currently serving at sublime. Four from Germany and one from Brazil. We had a few ice breaker games (two truths and a lie, I briefly convinced them I drove a Prius!!) and then continued with some training and information about what this year will hold for us. This group was a little bit slower to warm up to each other than the GEM interns I had been with last week. It was took some time but at the end of our long day we were able to laugh instead of sit in silence... Everyone seems nice and it has been so interesting learning the ways of a new country with others. I was informed this afternoon that I was doing the dishes wrong... And it has been an interesting time getting used to saying toilet instead of bathroom...

All in all it has been an incredible start. I am ready to be past training and on to meet my permanent host family! God has continued revealing to me different things I need to work on in my own life. I have always gone to churches that are extremely similar in theology and styles of worship. This year I will be experiencing a range of Christian churches that vary in many styles. I know it will be difficult for me to get past my own stubbornness -that does not glorify Christ- and into the mentality that I am there to serve and support the local churches as I have been called to do. A saying I have heard about 200 hundred times this past week is "it's not wrong, it's just different". I am excited to see how God stretches me past my comfort and grows me more into He has created me to be.

Please continue keeping me in your prayers. Many challenges are ahead and I need my Lord and Savior guiding me every moment of it!

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