Thursday, February 5, 2015


I will keep this update short. I am very sleepy after a few very eventful days.

Today was my last day of sublime training. Thank the Lord training has finished! Don't get me wrong, I've loved training. It's been a great time building relationships and learning new things and new perspectives. But after 10 days of training, two planes, a hotel, a hostile, and a temporary host family, I am a bit worn-out.

After our final bit of training for working with youth and bible study combo, and sharing our testimonies, I was off to south London. A leader at sublime graciously offered to drive us. It would have been very difficult to take the train with all those suitcases! But driving from one end to the other at 5 o'clock is not a quick trip! After about an hour and a half, we finally made it to my host church! There we were greeted by my host dad/church leader and the woman who is coordinating the intern schedules and directly above me.

Soon (after some tea and biscuits --aka cookies) we headed to my host home. I was met at the door by my host mother and their two daughters (both teenagers) and one of the daughter's friend. They quickly grabbed my luggage for me and took it up to my room for me. I offered to take it myself, but they kindly said no to me. It is so odd being the one who is receiving the service! I feel bad not helping, but it was just a part of being new in someone's home I guess...

After dinner I was given a tour of the house. I could feel myself getting a little overwhelmed. As we toured the bathroom I was washed over with relief! A real shower! All week I had been using a bath shower combo that didn't have a curtain to keep water from splashing out -- extremely difficult to use! We finished the tour in my new room, and I was left alone to settle in. Again, I began to feel the emotional overwhelming sensation. I was unpacking my belongings in a strangers house. I am going to be here the rest of the year. I was told to make myself at home, and the family is so kind and seem very easy going. Yet, I felt like a mouse in this new place.

I am thankful that I was placed with a family with girls semi near my age. I would have been so uncomfortable alone with just a couple (as most interns are). I am sure after some time the mousy feeling of being a guest will fade. But for now in this strange pink room lying in this bed that's not my own, I am a bit homesick.

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1 comment:

  1. Marissa!!! Wow! Thanks for keeping us updated on your journey. Remember, that I am with you in spirit every step of the way. It is going to be difficult, and you will get homesick, however, through it all, the Lord is building you up to be used for His glory! Hallelujah to that! :o} He will never give you more than you can handle so when things get a little hectic and you are at your end, remind Him of this. He will give you grace. :o} Like I told Christina, take in everything for soon this journey will be over and you will be thankful for all the precious memories made, all the sites seen, and all the lives that you have touched and that have touched you. Breathe deeply, breath slowly and enjoy. We send you all of our love and hugs. How do you like the drivers driving on the other side?? Doug had a hard time adjusting to that when he was in England. Well sweetie, enjoy this beautiful journey that the Lord has you on. My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5-6, what's yours? I will keep you close in my heart and in my prayers. I love you girl!! :o} Aunt Linda
