Sunday, March 15, 2015


Saint Patrick's Day in London! Boy oh boy was it crowded! My friend and I (another intern) decided to go to Trafalgar Square to see the Saint Patrick's Day festival. We missed the parade because of church, but there was still plenty of excitement to go around! We saw many Irish nicknacks far to over priced, lots of Irish food made into fast food, and a LOT of Irish beer.

 Me being the California born and raised type, was wearing four layers, a scarf, thermal pants, boots, and gloves. While others were strutting around in booty shorts and tights! Crazy! The weather was just as to be expected -- cold and rainy. I don't regret my four layers at all! Even if I looked a bit ridiculous!

After going around the booths and exploring the festivities (and after sampling all the foods multiple times) we took a walk around the  nearby art museum. It was my first time going to a museum in London. The best part, it was free! Most museums in London are free! Which is just amazing to me!

Being the wimps we are, after a few hours on our feet we decided to call it a day. I was determined to get sushi! Someone recommended a place to us a few days before so we thought we'd give it a try. I am missing my favorites from from. ESPECIALLY sushi and Mexican! I was quite disappointed to discover that all the sushi in this shop was pre made and packaged up. The avocado was browning and the salmon was thin enough to see through it! This was not how my dad (the ultimate sushi master know it all) taught me how to eat raw fish!! Plus, it was cold outside and something warm sounded better anyways...

We decided to head back to bromley to get dinner there. We weren't starving yet, and it would be cheaper to get something outside of the city. We stopped in a pub near our train station at home and enjoyed a two for £7 meal deal that was delicious, fresh, and warm! God had planted a high expectation for sushi in me, because at some point during our meal the conversation turned to theology. The next thing I know we are discussing the creation story, the roots of sin, the story of Satan, what evil really is and how it came to be considering our creator is perfect, and many other topics that were incredibly detailed and important! My friend had some odd ideas that were rooted in a quote from Einstein, instead of the Bible. After hours of sitting in this pub discussing scripture and our thoughts, she began to understand what I was explaining. I am so blessed to have been filled with such wisdom from my leaders back home! To many of her questions I was reminded of different sermons and series that I have already been taught. It was so great to be able to sit down, and share our beliefs and opinions in a way that was encouraging to one another and uplifting!

Here are 3 of the 5 pages of notes we took!

I thought that a year abroad on mission would be a constant spiritual high of craziness, miracles, excitement, and reaching nonbelievers. To my surprise, it hasn't been. It has been a lot of office work, dishes, and helping with preexisting groups that serve the community. I realized a few weeks ago this mission work isn't going to be what I expected it to be. Tonight, I realized that I may be here to share and build up current believers, just as much as I am trying to build relationships with nonbelievers. I don't know everything God is planning to do this year in England, but whatever it is, I am excited for it!

Please be praying that I am able to build up those I am getting close within the Christian community here. There are many people in many different places in their walk with Christ, and I want to do everything I can to steer those around me closer to Him! Also be praying that I can continue to grow in closeness with the Lord, and that I don't burn out or get lazy!

God bless!

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